After being in the industry for a total of over 13 years, I’m excited to announce a new Mentor Program I’ve created for up-and-coming Wedding Planners. We typically receive several emails a day from people interested in becoming a Planner, and we have always made it a practice to respond to them and give them general guidance of networking groups to consider, associations to look into, etc. However, I always have felt that there is a need to do more for them. I remember what it was like when I first started out, and want to be able to give back now and help guide others to explore Wedding Planning as a potential career. My background is in Human Resources, as I was previously a Director of Human Resources for Starbucks, so I love the mentoring/training/development aspect of business. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Wedding Planner, I invite you to join my 3 month online course where we will dig into some of the basics of what it takes to be a Planner. Note: This is NOT a certification program. Read more about the program in my newsletter below, and click on the subscribe button at the bottom of this post to sign up!
If you’re looking for a change in 2016 and want to explore Wedding Planning as a career, sign up below to lock in your spot and join me in my Mentor Program! Let’s make 2016 the best year yet!