Engagement pictures

Hi all! Victoria here and I’m back with another wedding planning post! The next big thing that I wanted to get done after choosing the date, venue, and asking the wedding party was engagement pictures! I think it’s great to get those done so they will be ready to use in your save the dates as well as printed and framed for your engagement parties etc! Here’s my advice when it comes to engagement photos:

  1. Photographers. I think it’s so important to meet with photographers in person. Not only to get a feel for their style of photography, but also to see if your personalities match so you are comfortable taking these photos. My fiancé and I were so excited to book Shaun Menary Photography– they are so talented, but also made us feel comfortable, relaxed, and always laughing! We truly had a blast at the shoot!
  2. Location. When it comes to booking a location for your engagement shoot, try and be creative! If you love coffee, a fun shoot at your favorite local spot could be great! If you have a special spot you guys love to go to, then ask your photographers meet you there! Turner and I love to be out at the lake with our pup, Riley, so we decided on White Rock Lake. We were able to be ourselves in that environment, and really be laid back!
  3. Outfits. I think it’s so great to be true to yourself so that these pictures are an accurate reflection of you guys. Turner and I decided to stick with our fave color combo (navy and white). The days of matching are long gone- so feel free to mix prints, colors, and styles! We did one casual look and one a little dressier- but nothing fancy! I loved how the simple outfits really let you focus on the pictures as a whole, and not just what you are wearing.
  4. Hair and makeup. While this is definitely an added expense- I highly reccomend getting your hair and makeup done. These pictures will be on your save the dates, in your home, and on facebook forever 🙂 My biggest advice here again is to keep things natural.  This hair and makeup session can also serve as a trial to see if you’d like to book their services on the wedding day- two birds one stone!
  5. HAVE FUN! Make sure to laugh and have fun- the candid pictures are always so great. And since you will be both be dressed up, head to a fun date night afterwards 🙂

Here are some of my favorites from our session:


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Photography: Shaun Menary Photography

Hair and makeup: Tracy Melton Artistry