Hosting Christmas for the First Time

It’s my favorite time of year: Christmas! It’s that time of year where there is just magic in the air. The city lights up. Family comes together. People are cheerful. But for some of our readers – who are newly married or newly engaged – it may be your first time hosting Christmas! (How exciting…. and stressful!) Here are some of our tips to have a successful first Christmas!

  • Plan! We’re planners, so of course we’re going to say that, but it’s true. Take some time a couple weeks before (so start now) to really plan through the meal. What sides are you going to serve? Make a grocery list for everything you need to get. What about seating and decorations? Are you going to have a kid’s table? Thinking through the logistics of everything will make that week leading up to Christmas so much easier.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Cleaning, cooking, planning and entertaining is a lot of work. Ask your guests to all bring one item. Trust us, it’ll drastically improve the day’s preparations!
  • Set the table and get all of your dishes out the night before.
  • Wake up early and shower! If you don’t do it first thing, you won’t do it. Nobody likes a stinky hostess. 😉
  • Pour yourself a glass of wine, because, cheers it’s Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Emily Shannon, Seattle Office

151117_0009JuniperPhoto credit: Barbie Hull
Wreath: Juniper Flowers